To all the Ark Tategamori fans, I hope you are well and in good health?
The healthy grandfather of the natural food restaurant "Tils" is still working hard
I'm Grandpa Miura, in charge of the kitchen.
Well, today I'd like to introduce you to the special menu for the New Year sale at Till's.
We will have our usual main dish with bone-in spare ribs for everyone.
We are ready for you to enjoy the deliciousness.

Also, just for your information, Tils offers special benefits.
We are now handing out point cards to everyone who comes to our store.
During the period, you can get 10% off any meal, and you can also earn other points as you accumulate.
This is a very good value card that comes with a variety of perks.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to visit us and enjoy great value meals this winter.
In addition, all staff and food service will be 10% UP 110%.
We look forward to your visit.
This was Grandpa Miura from Restaurant Til's.