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One year after joining Ark

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This is Iwasaki from the Manufacturing and Sales Department.
Time flies so fast, and it's been almost a year since I joined ARK.

At first, I was very confused because there were many things I had never experienced before.
At the same time, I feel that I am learning by experiencing things I do not know.

As an example, some of Ark's products include pork loin marinated in ginjo miso and hormones.
I have.
In my experience so far, if you place an order with another manufacturer, the finished product will arrive and sell.
Determine the price and put it on the market. It was natural for the flow to be like this, but at ARK
From mixing and making ginjo miso, it is done by their own hands, and
Made with care.
Because we make everything from scratch with our own hands, we can offer our products with peace of mind and confidence.
I learned that I can do it.

Changing the subject, the farm market is holding a Christmas fair right now.
I'm here.
We also have limited items for a limited time only, so please take this opportunity to visit us.

There is only one week left in this year, and the cold is getting tougher.
Please take care of your health so that everyone can welcome the new year with a smile.

Manufacturing and Sales Department Tsuyoshi Iwasaki

金の豚アーク 金の豚

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